Justin Bieber
The singer recently had his say via a statement, and the world has been reacting.
According to him, the fact is that no one will ever understand the pressures Biles is facing, and he is very proud of her decision to withdraw.
Justin Bieber added that the truth is that sometimes, our No as human beings is more powerful than our Yes.
His words, “Nobody will ever understand the pressures you face! I know we don’t know each other but I’m so proud of the decision to withdraw. It’s as simple as what does it mean to gain the whole world but forfeit your soul.”
“Sometimes our no’s are more powerful than our yes’s. When what you normally love starts to steal your joy it’s important we take a step back to evaluate why.”
“People thought I was crazy for not finishing the purpose tour but it was the best thing I could have done for my mental health!! So proud of you @simonebiles.”