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IPOB Was Founded On A Non-Violent Principle, We Must Maintain That – Nnamdi Kanu

Nnamdi Kanu

Nnamdi Kanu

The leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra, Nnamdi Kanu, has come out to blast the killings in the South-East over the group’s agitation for secession.

He recently had his say when he appeared for the continuation of his trial at the Federal High Court in Abuja, and Nigerians have been reacting.

According to him, he condemns any manner of killing in the South-East by IPOB members because the group was founded on a non-violent principle, and that must be maintained.

Kanu added that it is sad that some of the soldiers that were killed were also IPOB loyalists who lost their lives for nothing.

His words, “I condemn any manner of killing. Every manner of killing, I condemn in its entirety.

I want people to understand that IPOB was founded on a non-violent principle and we maintain that up till this very day. Some of these soldiers, we’re told, are also our people. And the families are now in mourning. All the making of young widows is condemned in its entirety. I don’t want it, I don’t want anybody to die.

We are fighting for freedom, then how can we fight death at the same time? It’s not possible; we want people to be free. That’s all we’re fighting for, nothing more.

We’ve suffered a lot in Africa, I don’t know if you know that. Africans have suffered – from slavery in (Saudi) Arabia, to slavery in Europe, to slavery in America. So, I think we should focus our time and devote it towards making sure that this continent stands up to what God promised is going to be.”


SFI Africa


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