President Goodluck Jonathan is set to acquire a new private jet to be added to the presidential fleet in 2015, according to reports.
The Federal Government has set aside an initial deposit of N400 million to be paid to the manufacturer of the aircraft.
Provision for the new jet was made in the 2015 budget which was presented by the Minister of Finance � , Ngozi Okonjo Iweala to lawmakers at the
National Assembly in Abuja.
The Presidency has also reportedly budgeted N215,635,713 for food stuff and catering N26,663,050,469; N12,917,727,634 for personnel,
N11,165,322,836 for overhead
costs,N24,083,050,470 for recurrent expenditure and N2,579,999,999 on
capital projects.
More about: Goodluck Jonathan