Here is a review of Brymo’s Tabula Rasa Album, Teaming up with ‘Should You Bump This’ Sho and Tunde who are seasoned music head, Naijavibe brings you this humor filled and unique style of review.
I couldn’t agree more with this, this album is worth the cash
Erstwhile Choc City member, Brymo released his fourth album, Tabula Rasa, about a week ago week ago, the album is available for purchase.
1. Back to Love
T: Definitely a feel good way to start the album. Just whistle and snap your fingers away
S: It’s like once they finished track 11 on MDS, Brymo just went to eat ofada, came right back and recorded this song.
T: Lool
S: Doesn’t miss a beat from the last album. Nice opening track.
2. Fe Mi
T: Another good Brymo song
S: J for Jam. S for Song
T: Yes Sho, we know you went to school. Good song.. Dope production
S: Fresh production. His instrumentalists be the livest yo
T: Yup
S: Like they be making these jams at the same place Iya Ibeji cooks. Same ingredients…we just consume it different
T: Whatever iya it is. The song sweet
3. Prick No Get Shoulder
S: All i wanna know is how he pitched this song to whoever was recording him
T: Haha! Nohomo
S:”Hey guys I just wanna sing about a prick that doesn’t have a shoulder”
S: “It’s a metaphor guys”
T: Fela would be proud of the title and the song
S: The afrobeat production keeps me intrigued. We must get to the bottom of this prick story
T: No we must not. Let it go
4. Dear Child
T: Brymo tells stories you can relate to mahn. His songwriting ability is second to none
S: Brymo Nasir Jones! Grand Pa got a song on MDS, GrandMa got hers on Tabula Rasa
T: This chorus can cure like 772828 diseases
S: Legit.. only a devil child won’t like this song
T: In other words.. You
S: I hate you
5. Je’le O Sinmi
T: I love the way Brymo takes us back to his childhood on this one. Pick your poison..
S: Chocolate cake or a woman making chocolate cake made out of chocolate cake?
T: Ode! Yoruba or English. Brymo can do it
S: You don’t need to know what the hell this boy is talking about.. east west north south. Black white yellow red
T: Word
S: You will feel this one. The talking drums be talking to my soul mehn. Like “Sho, you is the man. Go forth into the world and fly young king”
T: As per Red Bull innit?
6. Never Look Back
T: This just makes you want to march to Aso Rock and demand for change
S: If you need a song to validate why Brymo Olawale! ‘The son of a Carpenter’ is the best male artist in Nigeria.. Don’t look anywhere else. This song is it
T: No arguments here too
S: While y’all wanted to make hits for 2013 and 2014, This boy is making music for 2092.. timeless fam
T: Brymo is king
7. Alone
T: Yawn for me. Not a fan of spoken word
S: I am. I fux with them Bogobiri n Terra culture scene.
T: I’m good on this. Skip for me..
S: But when he said split like a splinter.. I thought of a pizza. Splinter.. ninja turtle.. pizza.. get it
T: Stop
S: You don’t get me! You don’t feel my poetry.
T: I feel like sleeping.. spoken word always got me like..
8. Jungle Fever
S: Songs about social matters don’t have to be boring.
T: First fast tempo song
S: Brymo shows y’ll how it’s done
T: Listen people
S: The guitars and horns on this >>>>>
T: This here is how you make a song
S: Or cook soup. Because literally this boy be making audio delicacies.
9. 1 pound
S: Just call Brymo.. Mr ‘Tales by moonlight’. This Tabula Rasa album is all that is right with the world right now
T: The song is so good it should have been named ‘100 pounds’
S: If the conductor was fighting over 1 pound.. what would he do over 100 pounds?
T: Burn the bus
S: Fair enough.
10. Nothing’s Ever Promised Tomorrow
T: Another lovely song. Someone give this boy the crown
S: Is it sweet?
T: Yes
S: Did the music touch you?
T: Yes
S: Does the boy sabi?
T: Yes..but this your butty pidgin English get as e be
S: Whatever, this guy steady turning us into ‘yes men’
T: He’s that good
11. Again
T: Best song on this album! I can go on and on. My repeat button broke on this one
S: I am sweating out my eyes.. these are not tears
T: Bruh.. I believe you. Same thing is happening here. Must be the weather
S: Song of the year. Superb composition.
T: I won’t even argue again
S: This is what we are talking about, don’t waste your talent. Be a Brymo
T: Brymo deserves more than he is getting right now
S: Mehn, everyone needs to hear this song.
S: 12 months. 22 songs (2 albums). No fillers. All masterpieces. This is hands down the best male artiste in Nigeria. This is a superb album. Brymo has no peers. He is in a league all by himself
and it’s a joy to hear.
T: Tabula Rasa album is a must have for music lovers worldwide. Brymo, once again proves he is hands down the best male vocalist in Nigeria
4.5/5 Wraps
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