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Can Playing Violin Reduce Your Stress?

Playing Violin Reduce Your Stress

Often times, people are intimidated by the violin. It is known as one of the most difficult string instruments to master. Though it is true that it is a challenging instrument to learn, did you know that playing the violin can positively improve your mood and alleviate stress levels? If you are looking for an instrument that benefits your mental health, then the violin might be for you! Here are a few reasons why playing the violin aids in reducing your stress:

1. If you are having a rough day, playing the violin serves as a positive distraction! Your energy will be focused on practicing the instrument thus uplifting your mood. Furthermore, it is a pleasant way to enjoy your alone time and it gives you the personal space to do such.

2. Playing the violin is actually a form of exercise. As it requires a lot of upper body strength, your body releases hormones that stimulate your mood similar to when you work-out in the gym.

3. The sound of the music itself is very soothing. As you play songs, especially classical pieces, you are unconsciously providing yourself with relaxation. With that, playing the violin is a great way to unwind!

4. Violin players are commonly involved in a community of other violinists. Because of this, they feel very much connected to a greater whole that share a similar passion. In turn, this gives one a sense of fulfillment and togetherness.

5. Improving your violin skills is known to give you a boost of confidence and a sense of accomplishment. Your self-esteem is fortified when peers, instructors, or fellow violinists acknowledge your hard work and progress. Because it is a difficult instrument to play, you will realize that you are capable of much more than you think you could.

In lieu of the mental health benefits as a result of playing the violin, it is definitely worth the try if you are looking to learn something new. Not only does it provide relaxation in your day-to-day life, it might even be an instrument that you will grow passionate about too. Besides being an effective stress-reliever, other benefits include improved posture, self-discipline, and a sharper memory. That being said, take the challenge today! Though not all individuals can master the violin, it is still a hobby that can improve your mental fitness and can help provide more tranquility in your life.


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