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Flames of Love | Episode 2

Flames of Love

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The class was rowdy even after the lecturer had entered.

“Will you all stop making noise!”. The short robust, moustache man yelled in annoyance. Silence broke out immediately. The hairs on my neck prickled.. “I knew that very moment cute speck was watching, I further tilted my neck to show my glowing skin. When I couldn’t hold the feeling anymore, I looked back and guess what i saw.. cute speck staring at me with the ‘I want you so bad look’.

“Agbaje Bose!”.. Darn it! That was all in my head. “Agbaje Bose! Have you gone deaf overnight? Or have you been possessed by evil spirits?” the man asked.

“uhn?” was the only reply I could give.

He shook his head with pity. Then he continued saying “good morning class, the test I conducted for you last week was a total failure”. No one said a word since we knew we were not prepared for the test. He further explained how disappointed he was saying “though I know you were not prepared for it but, nonetheless, two students performed excellently and they are.. This kept the whole class in anticipation waiting for the names of the ‘efikos’ to be mentioned.

He parted his lips and two names came out of it “Bose and Samson”. I rose up as my friends cheered me. Guess who ‘Samson’ was.. Spec guy! I grinned so hard I felt the muscle in my puff puff cheek ache. We were both commended equally. Then I thought within me (we would make a great couple).. After the lecturer dismissed the class, I went in search of ‘my Samson’.

Fortunately, I sighted him few steps away. As I got closer.. The unexpected happened.. Was I dreaming? Oh hell no I wasn’t! As i got closer, the unexpected happened, a fair looking girl crossed my path. Looking at me with so much disgust, eyeing me at the same time i could have sworn that look scared me a bit. But as a big girl now, I stood my ground and gave her ‘you better watch out or you’ll get crushed’ look. She turned and walked towards Samson. (Now something isn’t right) I thought. The conversation they had poured a big hole of disappointment into my tender heart..

“Susan you are here” he said as he hugged her. She smiled in return.

Then he continued saying “Susan I’m so glad you’re here, if you hadn’t been a good friend I wouldn’t have had someone to share my pains with”. There was an audible tone of sadness in his voice.

I thought of what the problem might be but first and foremost, I was happy that fair looking witch was just a friend. A very silly thought came to my mind (wait! Is he gay? doesn’t he have a girlfriend? I mean he’s really cute but I’ve never seen any girl with him before but..) different thoughts kept ringing in my head. They kept talking as I had spaced out on the few things they said, thanks to my thoughts.

“I don’t know, I really loved her you know, she just decided that it was best we go our separate ways” his voice was shaking now. A tear rolled down his pointed cheek. I felt that sudden but strange urge to run over, dry his tears, and promise to be there for him always .

Hey! That’s strange, I’ve never felt this way about a guy before. I thought out loud..

“Bose! Bose! You have to come right now with me! (Panting) its.. its Titi.. she.. ”

Now that got my attention and called my sense back into order. I gave him a sharp look, and noticed his shirt was stained with.. (gasps).. Blood!.. I gripped him, fear written all over me.. Shaking him fiercely.. “What is wrong with La-teazy? Tell me! (screaming on top of my voice repeated) what is wrong with Titi?”

Read Next Episode Here

Flames of Love is written by: Olaleye-Otunla Tolani

Facebook: Olaleye-Otunla Tolani


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