Home » Celebrity News » I Haven’t Made Myself A Priority In A While – Beyonce

I Haven’t Made Myself A Priority In A While – Beyonce



Popular musician, Beyonce Knowles has come out to say that she is under immense pressure as she juggled her career with music.

She recently revealed this in an interview with Harper’s Bazaar, and Nigerians have been reacting.

According to her, people do not realize how mentally and physically tough it is to juggle family and music, and she hasn’t even made herself a priority in a while.

Beyonce added that she is currently battling years of wear and tear on her muscles from dancing in heels.

Her words, “I think like many women, I have felt the pressure of being the backbone of my family and my company and didn’t realize how much that takes a toll on my mental and physical well-being.”

“I have not always made myself a priority. I’ve personally struggled with insomnia from touring for more than half of my life.”

“Years of wear and tear on my muscles from dancing in heels.”

“The stress on my hair and skin, from sprays and dyes to the heat of a curling iron and wearing heavy makeup while sweating on stage.”

“I’ve picked up many secrets and techniques over the years to look my best for every show. But I know that to give the best of me, I have to take care of myself and listen to my body.”

“I have paid my dues and followed every rule for decades, so now I can break the rules that need to be broken.”

“My wish for the future is to continue to do everything everyone thinks I can’t do.”


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