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I Promise To Make Nigeria Safer – President Tinubu

Bola Tinubu

Bola Tinubu

Nigeria’s President, Bola Tinubu has come out to speak about the lingering insecurity bedevilling Nigeria.

He recently had his say while speaking at a two-day security and peace summit organized by the North-West Governors Forum, and Nigerians have been reacting.

According to him, his government inherited security compromises from past administrations, and he can only promise to make Nigeria safer because that has been his topmost priority since he came to office.

He added that the road to redeeming the security compromises he inherited was mapped out before he even embarked on his presidential journey.

His words, “Beyond the economic rationale that drove the amalgamation of the Northern and Southern parts of Nigeria, the formation of our great nation was inspired by the need for mutual protection.

But, I ask, how can we achieve this sacred objective if one part is afflicted? We have long established that whatever ails any part of this federation destabilizes the other. So, the issue of national security in the North-West is not a sectional agenda.

The road to redeeming the security compromises we inherited was mapped out before we embarked on this journey. We realized that achieving the peace we seek necessitates addressing the historical injustices that have torn communities apart.

We must also reverse the institutional frailties governing security and the economic dysfunctions that create vulnerabilities to crime. We must also counter the ideological mischief that has pervaded the discourse of peace and security in the region.

The solution we seek is a region where every trade is safe, where every group is at peace and where the policing and military presence of the state is optimal.

This disintegration, from cycles of clashes between herders and farmers, has ruptured the ideas of oneness upon which the North revolved. This was followed by a regime of cattle rustling that set herders on a path of violence.

Over the past decades, we have seen how these land-use disputes drove the farmer-herder conflicts, as climate change diminished our arable land and water resources, as the capacity of our security forces was overwhelmed, as unauthorized arms proliferated conflict zones, as corruption undermined our quest for solutions, and as criminal and insurgent elements exploited the complexity of our crisis to cross into our borders.

What we are witnessing across the North is an explosion of these damaged relationships and we have come to say: enough is enough. Our first decision was to task our brothers from the North-West and the North-East with the defence and security of the region.

Our military forces, through various operations such as Operation Hadin Kai and Operation Safe Haven, have made true their promise to the nation by targeting insurgent groups like Boko Haram and bandits who have held us ransom for too long.

Through enhanced border security and intelligence capabilities, we have disrupted and dismantled criminal networks.

To build pragmatic solutions to our security compromises, we are strengthening collaborations among the Services and other security agencies to ensure a unified approach.

The kinetic and non-kinetic interventions we have pursued are designed to build the perimeter of our security infrastructure to the point that every child who goes to school returns safely, every person who sets out on a trip arrives at their destination securely, every trader who goes to the market conducts their transactions without fear, and every farmer plant seeds and harvests their produce in secure environments. We cannot achieve this unless we come together.”

SFI Africa


NaijaVibe at 10 MixTape

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