Home » Celebrity News » I Will Continue To Blast Prostitutes In My Music – Falz

I Will Continue To Blast Prostitutes In My Music – Falz

FalzFalz has reminded all who care to listen of his hatred for transactional sex otherwise known as prostitution.

He clarified after some fans extracted a line from his new track titled Talk which blasts ladies who sell their body.

The popular line is: ”Instead make you work, you dey find Alhaji, You come turn your body to cash and carry.”

Reacting to the harsh reply his take on prostitution got, Falz said such won’t prevent him from dropping more of such lines in his music.

“Oh wow, feminist in the building. Shamelessly, I’ll continue to say it, I detest transactional sex. It’s my pain, it’s what I believe in. You’ll continue to hear it in my music whether you like it or not. And I’ll explain to you. Now the same feminist that will say the woman is free to do what she wants to do and who am I to tell the woman not to put herself up for money, the same feminist that will say that women are being objectified and that is not allowed. Now you are that same person that is going ahead to commodify yourself, you’ve turned yourself into a commodity. Self-objectification, self-commodification, I detest it and I’ll continue to detest it. Their argument often is that ill speak about the runs girls and I don’t often talk about the guys or the aristo men or whatever, if you’re going to talk about an epidemic, obviously you’re going to use the more popular scenario, the more relatable scenario and that is why I always use the runs girls scenario.”

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