He recently had his say while speaking to his congregation, and fans have been reacting.
According to him, he wouldn’t recommend the song to anyone, and he wonders why Beyonce is singing about being a church girl when she clearly sold her soul to the devil.
Bishop Patrick added that the track is nothing but a sacrilege, and it was wrong of her to sample the song of a real church lady
His words, “Beyonce just released sacrilege. The only thing I can account to some of that stuff is, somebody done sold their soul to the devil.”
“When you sell your soul to the devil you get the short end of the stick. Because you’re not gonna live for so long and when you leave here, where you’re going, you’re going to be there forever. So, it’s not a good deal.”
“To sample the song of a real Church lady, Twinkie Clark… I don’t know whether she knew what she was gonna do with the song or not. She knows she’s not saved. And I pray to God that a stiff denounciation of what she did with that song is put out.”