Please read this very short but exciting interview Nollywood actress Empress Njamah recently granted SunNews. In it, she talked about her love life, her luxury life and nails and her being abused in a relationship. Excerpts
We understand that you will be adding another year soon. How are you celebrating?
My birthday is November 17. I always celebrate it with the less privileged kids. I have been doing it for the past eight years.
We understand you run a spa and a chain of boutiques in Abuja. Tell us about the business woman in Empress Njama?
The business woman is not far from the charity woman because most of my friends who come to buy things from me end up slashing my prizes (laughter).
Who are your clients?
I do stuff for everyone both high and low. As long as you have got style and swag; we have something for you. I travel out a lot to stock up my shops and also to work with my manufacturers. For a couple of years I have not travelled for a vacation because each time I try I end up doing business. I guess I am naturally hyperactive so basically it has been work, work and more work.
So you are making a lot of money?
I am not supposed to make stones. Am I? (Laughter)
Tell us about your ideal man?
I have always craved for a particular physic of the man of my dreams but I ended up dating the reverse (Laughter). While we were growing up, a lot of us had this particular statistic of a person you desire but at the end of the day, it is the opposite you get.
Tell us about your love life?
No comment.
Let us look at your finger nails; they are so hip. What gave you the inspiration for these?
They are not the everyday run-off-the-mill nails you see; it is not the regular thing that people do. People say it’s my logo but it’s not. They are my own creations. You can see the embedded crystal stones. There are just two people who can do my nails in Nigeria. Most times I do them overseas and so far I have carried it well.
Tell us about the first time you fell in love?
I really can’t remember because at that age, a lot of people mistook infatuation for love. I think love is an endless description of so many things we cannot put together. What I must have felt at that time was not love but something else. Love is doing something for someone that can never repay you. Most people just want to date because they are lonely and not because they really love someone. Some people want to date because their peers are dating.
You have this wild look. How come you don’t have tattoos?
Lots of people can swear that I have tattoos on my body because I was known for colorful hair and nails so lots of people thought I had tattoos as well; I can’t give myself the mark of The Beast.
Are you saying tattoos are the mark of the Beast?
I don’t want to say what a lot of people will misconstrue but I don’t have to draw anything on my body to prove a point; for me, tattoos are a no no.
You’ve been a victim of abuse…
That’s something I don’t want to talk about.
What advice do you have for girls going through abusive relation�ships?
If you don’t use your up but your down, you will probably die before your time. Let me tell you the truth, if a man hits you once he will hit you again! There is nothing like ‘let me manage him because I love him; I will be with him till he changes.’ It is only a weak man that hits a woman. There are men who can’t handle stuff and so they vent it on the woman.
Are you talking from experience?
Once a man hits you, he will hit you again.
Are you planning to do your expe�rience into a movie anytime soon?
There are better stories that would enter�tain as well as educate more than my story. Mine is just one in a million, it hap�pens every day. That I am in the limelight does not make my story any special.
But he dedi�cated a song to you?
Well, doing a song for me at that point still has noth�ing to do with a lot of things that happened later. I think there are better ways of showing appreciation.
You look so strong on the outside, do you ever cry?
Yes I do.
Could you share an experience with us?
That was when they had this bogus pornographic picture online and said it was me. I felt the way any normal person should feel. I was angry and frustrated so I ran away! We all have our own way of tacking challenges and trust me, I have mine. I just wanted to be alone for sometime so I used the opportunity to take a break. I can’t forget what Mercy Johnson did that day. She was part of the people who encouraged me to carry on with my life. She called me and said ‘sister, life continues.’