The Federal Government, through the minister of Education, on Tuesday approved the cut-off marks for admission into tertiary institutions for the 2013/2014 academic session.
The Minister of Education, Ruqayyatu Rufa’i, announced the cut-off marks into the Colleges of Education, Polytechnics and other degree-awarding institutions�in Abuja. She gives the cut off marks as:
180 for federal universities and 150 for polytechnics and others.
�I implore all stakeholders to follow the Federal Government’s guidelines on admission which stipulates a 70:30 Technology/Non-Technology ratio for ND programmes.
�Also, 60:40 Science/Arts ratio for Degree and Nigeria Certificate in Education programmes and also to observe the criteria on merit, catchments and educationally less developed states.�In addition, we must not forget the carrying-capacity of our institutions as approved by the accrediting bodies,” she said.
The Registrar of JAMB, Prof. Dibu Ojerinde, added:��Let me remind all the federal institutions that the ratio of 45:35:20 for merit, catchment and educationally less-developed states, respectively, is still in force and should be adhered to strictly to ensure national cohesion.
�All Nigerians must be given the opportunity to mix and educate freely in any part of the country.”