Muhammadu Buhari
Nigeria’s President, Muhammadu Buhari has come out to say that his government will deal with those profiting from the climate of fear and rampant insecurity nationwide.
He recently had his say while speaking to the press, and fans have been reacting.
According to him, he’ll want to urge new and existing officers of the Nigeria Police Force to rise to the occasion of defending the country against elements who are determined to keep citizens in perpetual fear.
Buhari added that more efforts would go into ensuring that normalcy returns to all the areas suffering banditry.
His words, “Across the North Central and North West of the country, we have made progress with regards to stemming the tide of communal violence, farmer-herdsmen clashes, cattle rustling, and kidnapping.”
“We will continue to demonstrate zero tolerance for crime and criminality. Those who take laws into their hands, who bear arms illegally and who seek to profit from a climate of fear and insecurity will be decisively dealt with. That remains our promise to the people of Nigeria, who elected us to keep them safe and secured.”
“The peace and stability of our dear country will continue to be of utmost importance. You, the Police are our points men and you must rise to the occasion.”
“The graduating cadets will be taking their place in Nigeria Police Force that is destined and determined to take its place amongst the most efficient security organizations in the world. This is apparent in the excellent and fruitful contributions of the Nigeria Police force in foreign peacekeeping missions.”
“Many of the enemies you will confront will be permanently faceless or concealed, leveraging technology to wage warfare that has the potential to be even more destructive than anything the world has ever known.”
“We must develop a policy on cyber warfare that has as its strategic focus on the prevention of cyber-attacks against critical national infrastructure, minimizing national vulnerability to cyber-attacks and minimizing damage and recovery time from cyber-attacks.”
“Adequate budgetary provision will be made to accommodate capital and recurrent expenditure as the welfare of staff and cadets remains among my government’s priorities.”
“The successful completion of a rigorous and demanding course of this nature, no doubt, imbues today’s graduating cadets, with a sense of self-esteem and accomplishment.”