Nkechi Blessing
The movie star simply flaunted a picture of herself and her boyfriend, only for one Bankey2020 to write that he knows he’ll soon dump her.
Reacting, Nkechi immediately told the fan to mind his business and wait until he and his generation perish.
Her words, “May you wait until you and your entire generation perish.”
What do you think?
She recently had this to say about her heavy backside, “I know that I’m talented and people tend to see my natural endowment but it is okay because it is very obvious. You cannot hide God’s glory and blessing. He gave me this endowment so you have to see it first before you see the other sides of me. It is very obvious that I’m a curvaceous lady. I have always been comfortable with my body.”
“While I was growing up, I was skinny but I had big buttocks. I got bigger and everything was in the right proportion. I cannot complain because God gave me a perfect body. He gave me the perfect fat legs to carry the big buttocks.”