Home » Celebrity News » Obama’s Half-Sister Tear-Gassed During Protest In Kenya

Obama’s Half-Sister Tear-Gassed During Protest In Kenya

Barack Obama

Barack Obama

Barack Obama’s half-sister, Auma Obama was recently tear-gassed in the middle of a live interview with CNN.

She was involved in protests rocking Nairobi, the Kenyan capital on Tuesday, when the incident occurred.

Auma, a Kenyan-British activist, simply showed up to support demonstrators taking part in nationwide protests against proposed tax hikes, and while she was trying to talk to CNN, Police opened fire with live ammunition and tear gas outside the parliament.

She added that after getting tear-gassed, it took a while before her sight returned.

Her words, “I’m here because look at what’s happening. Young Kenyans are demonstrating for their rights. They are demonstrating with flags and banners.

I can’t even see anymore, we’re being tear-gassed.”


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