Andre Okoye turned two today April 10th. His dad shared these photos to wish him a happy birthday
His mum shared this:
HAPPY 2ND BIRTHDAY TO MY DARLING SON. With you I have experienced a special type of love that cannot be expressed by mere words and I know for sure that God loves us so much for giving us this AMAZING LITTLE FELLOW.. You wake up with the biggest smile ever, super sensitive to everyone’s feelings, always saying sorry and the best thing right now is how you always say to me (at the top of your lungs) MAMA.. HOW ARE YOU!?! I am blessed to have a son that says “I LOVE YOU MAMA” at every chance he gets!! I bless the Good Lord for giving me this special little man and I pray that you continue to be a source of joy to me, your dad and the entire world as well. I wish you God’s Favour, wisdom, long life, prosperity, God’s protection and blessings now and always. I love you so so much!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANDRE!! #Andreis2 #birthdayboy #happybirthdayandre