Home » Celebrity News » Princess Exposed Her Daughter To More Danger Just For Proof – Baba De Baba

Princess Exposed Her Daughter To More Danger Just For Proof – Baba De Baba

Baba De Baba

Baba De Baba

Popular comedian, Baba De Baba has come out to mock Princess over the rape case involving her foster daughter and Baba Ijesha.

He recently had his say on his Instagram account, and Nigerians have been reacting.

According to him, he knew the case will amount to nothing when he heard his colleague say “I fixed CCTV,” because that only meant she exposed the child to more danger all to get proof.

He added that if Princess claimed the child has been doing badly in academics due to the rape trauma since she was 7, setting her up for evidence was always going to worsen the matter.


“I’m not here to defend rape but let’s say the truth the way it.”

“She claimed the child has been doing badly in academics due to the rape trauma since she was 7 and there was no police report.”

“Now she is 14 and you want to catch the rapist red handed by setting up a CCTV camera and inviting him over to rape the child again so that the trauma will damage her brain finally and she won’t know book again for life because na the first rape make the pikin dull for school.”

“If you mention “CCTV” that means you want to show us penetration, sucking and pressing of breast since its a rape case. when she refused to release the footage saying “do u people want to watch porn?”, I knew there was nothing in the footage.”

“My reason is that she claimed he invited him over to catch him rape the girl and I knew she won’t have the patients to wait longer for him to finger the girl let alone inserting his thing hence there will be no evidence.”

“How did she plan it with her?
Did she tell her ” I’m inviting Baba Ijesha to come and rape you again. Make sure you seat around here because this is where the CCTV is covering and allow him rape u well so that we can have evidence.”

“All these feminists and their rape drama sef… “


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