Jay-Z celebrated his 43rd birthday, and rumor has it that Beyonce bought her husband the most expensive Hublot watch known to man – the “Big Bang”. The diamond-encrusted watch costs a reported $5 Million and has 1,282 diamonds in total!
Read More »PHOTO: Beyonce and blue ivy’s thanksgiving photo
Beyonce posted this cute picture of her and her daughter. Well, since we cant see ivy’s face yet, let me say she has a cute hair. Am really curious to see her face sha. SHARE AND DROP YOUR COMMENTS b3rrilyn
Read More »Beyonce Writes A Letter Of Appreciation To President Obama
It wasn’t quite as eye-catching as her husband’s pro-Obama rhyme at an Ohio rally, but Beyonce posted a note on her official Tumblr expressing gratitude toward the president one day before the election. Signed by the pop star, Beyonce’s letter praised Barack Obama as a leader and wrote that “you ...
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