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The negative of ladies: Agony of a female entertainer 2

Agony of a female entertainer 2

I didn’t know what I was thinking when I wrote the article with the title ‘If Tuface was a lady: Agony of a female entertainer’.

A friend begged me to leave Tuface alone because issues that concern women are like sleeping dogs and they should be left alone if one is not ready to hear that barking sound. I disagreed with him, Tuface can never be left alone and the sleeping dogs must wake up because I’m very sure of a good number of people that want to wake them with hot water.

When the part one of this article was published, I felt like a woman activist. I got calls from unknown ladies, more of them followed me on twitter with words of encouragement; yet all I got from the same friend who is always feeding me with funny thoughts was “None of these will get you a girlfriend nor increase your account balance”

I always listened to him because his thought entertained me; he always says that the only time you need to think about women is when you want to write a love song.

I pitied a woman in the hands of such man; she’ll be nothing more than an object of satisfaction.

I remember when cameras were using films, and not the usual memory card we see today, everyone looks cute on the main picture, but very ugly on the negative.

That is what women are like in most cases. They look cute, talented and hard working, yet as ugly as the ‘negative’ at heart.

Like I always say, my apologies to the ladies who will finally be disappointed with me for saying these hash words. But before you crucify me read to end of this article, if all I have said are jargons that will do nothing to help your gender, hate me.

The question is why do women hate each other? Somehow I think there is an error in the question but instead of correcting it, I will ask the question again, why do women hate each other so much?

The ‘so much’ is not a mere emphasis; it is the reality in the magnitude of the hatred women have for each other.

I still maintain my stance in blasting people that stigmatize female entertainers and men who put the tag of no sex no help on anything they would do for a lady who comes without money.

But wait a minute; are there still female achievers in the industry?

A rapper like Ruggedman who was once a household name realized his time is gone and decided to raise Mbryo to continue the linage.

How many ladies will use their fame to raise another? In absolute sincerity would this number ever be up to 10% of the total? I could gamble for less than 10% and win a huge amount of money.

I was tagged a woman activist because of the first part of this article and I am still wondering what I will do to called a ‘man activist’; a phrase that does not even sound right because it has never been used before.

Can women ever come together to fight for themselves and not depend on part-time warriors like me who dangle around for fame, wordplay and love in the name of activism.

The fact still remains that a woman’s instinct has a high level of jealousy in it.

My friend argued that women dress just to out-dress other women rather than the usual thing people believe which is to impress men.

Imagine a female artiste jealous because another is on the news more than her. They click the link just to find something wrong they can criticize in the comment box. All most ladies look out for on others is fault and nothing more than that; when they commend another, they grumble, doing so without single sincerity.

Men rule the world because they are always ready to share, to the extent of sharing their women while women are busy hating.

Because she believes her fellows will never serve her well even when she is paying, a female entertainer will always run to men, because despite their promiscuous nature in some cases, still provide friendship and sincere adviser to the ladies who are in dear need of these.

If all female movie producers can stand as one, no one would be molesting young actresses. Some of them want those actresses to experience the molestation just to humble them in a way.

She must not suffer because you suffered.

If all female radio and TV presenters can tackle men in their various offices, young girls coming to drop their CDs will be spared from the spell of being sex slaves in their lifetime. They would prefer to have the men use these ladies just to find a reason for looking down on the other lady.

If top female artistes and actresses can stretch their hands towards the upcomings, would they have any need for the men who always want to take advantage of them? There are plenty of them who can help, but jealousy, ego and hatred have scattered them, making them look fewer in number.

While women are busy hating, the movie ‘Animal United’ has been made. Are we ever going to see ‘Women United’ as a movie? At least it can serve as a template for women on how they can help instead of hate each other.

As long as pride, ego and jealousy rule the world of women, female entertainers will remain in agony.

The stigmatization which is often started by a fellow lady will continue and men will use their unity and ability to share to rule over women.

Unless these instincts have been implanted by God Himself to stop women from going against the scripture that says they must be under men.

Women are so powerful; powers that have been under utilized like the resources in Nigeria.

Will they be united when Nigeria acts as one?

This more of a call to female entertainers who are being stigmatized individually to come together and fight for each other.

Woman activism should not be for people who claim to be courageous but are really out to make radio and TV appearances to talk about things men to do them.

Women need to win the internal battle first because truth; the house is divided among itself.

They should evolve and stop using films in their cameras, no one wants to develop negatives again because the ones believed to be the last, were developed.

Chinedu Hardy Nwadike writes from Owerri Imo State. chikisnow@yahoo.com, 08038704454, @hardynwa and pin 222E7850

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