I’ve been asked a lot of questions about t-shirts and how to combine them usually by people stopping me on the street especially when am rocking mine. This torso covering invention, probably the first fashion piece to be made after leaves and animal skin is according to my political science professors, a sine-qua-non in every wardrobe be you a formal or an informal person (ask even the most official/powerful man in our planet, the U.S president), male or female, etc. Not to digress, all T-shirts aren’t black, white or grey & of the one-size-fits-all variety. Tees with real style are out there, if u know where to look (try Balogun market whenever you’re bored & on a budget).
For a sleek fit, only reach for tees made from high quality material, not that three-in-one underwear-type cotton now made popular by NYSC members. Round-necks are obviously the smartest option but if you do spot a particularly stylish V-neck, ensure the V meets just below your adams apple (I repeat, adams apple) and well above your chest and the sleeve should be shorter and tighter than what you’re used to wearing (the blokes in Expendables come to mind). Let’s talk about combo.
The t-shirt should reach just below your waist-no longer, no shorter. (No papa Ajasco style either). Opt for bright, fresh palettes and pair with sneakers. (Flat Converse All-stars or Nike Air Force One being my personal favourite).
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