“There is no industry yet my brother. So the only thing that can be�changed is everything. What we have is just a bunch of hardworking individuals swimming against the tide to make a living for themselves. We need structures to have an industry. And as we speak, we don’t have that industry yet”
“Our artiste are known globally because music is the only universally accepted language. But with structures, our musicians will reap the fruits of their labor and have something to fall back when they are too old to jump on any stage” he said.
“You call it controversial, but a lot of other people call it the truth and if you attribute the truth to publicity stunt, then the writers of the bible must be equally guilty. And let’s not forget that the essence of freedom and democracy is for people to be able to air their opinions always without retribution. After all, we are all humans, even though some are political dancers” he said
“I think you should ask them. They are the only ones who can answer that question. I am not a shrink or a mind reader. So, I wouldn’t �know why they said what they said. People’s rights to their opinion must be respected at all times. As a nation, that is what we are trying to achieve and we will get there someday by God’s grace” he said
“I am not a groupie. Nobody sets standards for me. So I make my own part. Goodluck to those artiste that have changed because they thought the new course is better. If there are many routes to the village square, it is left for everyone to choose a more appropriate one. We are a country of diverse ethnicity, why can’t we also be a country diverse in music”