Home » Celebrity News » Tyler Perry’s mother lied to him about who his Father is

Tyler Perry’s mother lied to him about who his Father is

Tyler Perry and his mum

Writer and producer, Tyler Perry has revealed his anger after he discovered that the man his mother introduced to him as his biological father was truly not his father.

According to the 44-year-old star, while addressing an audience during his recent appearance at the Women’s Empowerment 2014 event in Raleigh, North Carolina, his late mother lied to him about his father’s identity. He had always believed that violent Emmitt Perry Snr, a man that regularly, severely beat him up to a point Tyler attempted suicide at the age of 10, was his biological father. So, you can imagine Tyler’s shock when he took a DNA test with his brother and found out the truth.

A disappointed, hurt Perry told his audience, while advising them to be honest with their children: “I love my mother to death, but she lied to me. Some of you have secrets that your kids need to know. Let the chips fall where they may. For the peace of that person, let them know.”

Unfortunately, his mum is now late and Tyler has to now search for his real dad alone.

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