Chioma Akpotha
The movie star recently revealed that she is shocked at the heartlessness of the people in charge.
According to her, those who hoarded the food from the masses are cursed because no one will go to the grave with material things.
She added that Nigerian leaders should learn to love their neighbors as themselves because that is the only way we can develop as a country.
Still too shocked to articulate what my heart wants to say….
Months after funds were raised for palliatives for the people of Nigeria, we see this?!!!!
Why ?! Why are we our own destruction? Do we even care that people are HUNGRY and that hunger kills faster than COVID?
Will they now say that these videos have been doctored too?
Just look at the massive loot !
Our own people continue to spit on our faces, shoot at us and watch us die !
The day of reckoning is HERE !